Our Services
We offer a broad range of business services, designed to cater for the needs of international clients, corporate or individuals, tailored to the clients’ particular profile.
Our managers are readily available to listen to clients, interact with them in a cooperative and creative spirit and come up with solutions designed to best fit the clients’ profile and streamlined with the overall business strategic planning.
We are committed to offer our services efficiently and seamlessly, enabling clients to run their business and operate effectively, achieving targets and optimising after tax returns to shareholders and individuals.
The range of services on offer covers the initial set-up phase of the proposed entity as well as the subsequent operational lifecycle of the business/entity.
Set-up phase
- Advice on the appropriate structure from the tax optimisation perspective that is conducive to the business overall strategic planning;
- Advice on the most suitable form of vehicle for the particular case (joint venture, company, partnership, branch, trust);
- Advice on the type of activity and the extend of operations to be undertaken in Cyprus;
- Assistance on Company or other legal entity registration with various Authorities (Company Registrar, Social Security, Tax and Vat Authorities);
- Opening of Bank Accounts;
- Provide support in securing suitable offices, procurement of utility, telecommunications and IT services and other infrastructure;
- Provide support to comply with local statutory requirements compliance concerning the opening of office and commencing of a business activity;
- Provide services in hiring local staff, setting up HR, IT and other business support systems as well as internal procedures as necessary;
- Provide support and assistance in securing work and residence permits for expatriate personnel and family members and in meeting their housing, education, healthcare and other every day living needs.
Operational Phase
- Provision of services in relation to every day company administration activities, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements, monitoring execution of planned activities and reporting on progress;
- Arrangement and provision of payroll services, payments to Tax, Social Security and Vat Authorities ensuring compliance to the relevant statutory requirements;
- Preparation of Management accounts, financial reports and other statements in line with statutory requirements and in compliance with International Accounting Standards;
- Provision of Compliance services with regard to maintaining of statutory records, preparation of notices and minutes of shareholders and directors meetings and Corporate Tax and Vat Returns;
- Provision of customised services to Investors interested to participate in Government strategic projects.
- Provision of support services to clients interested in investing in the Government Immigration Investment Programmes(Cyprus Passport and Permanent Residence Programme);